Happy Friday, everyone! I don’t have any Things to share this week, but I do have good news.
Yesterday afternoon I finished my capstone! Honestly, it was underwhelming — I have a research paper to write and one more week of classes, so perhaps it’ll feel more official next week. I ended up going with the title At the Mercy of Eating since I make so many references to my Catholic upbringing throughout and because food has served as a sort of religion throughout my life. All I have left to do is proofread one or two more times and then that’s it!
I soft launched it over on @claudeata_’s story, so I guess I’ll let y’all in on the TOC too!
Hitting this milestone could not have been possible without the support from my wonderfully talented friends at Lang and this newsletter! Cannot thank everyone enough for their support.
Finishing my capstone makes the end (read: graduation) feel closer than ever, and with that, I’ve been thinking a lot about the future of this newsletter. Party of One was conceived six months ago as a way to document my capstone’s progress and my stint living alone. Well, capstone is done, and at the end of May I’ll be moving back home for the summer. I’ll no longer be a Party of One, but a Party of At Least Three (hi, Mom and Dad).
May is a month full of lasts — my last day of school, my last shift at Le Bernardin, my last meals living alone — but it’s also a month of beginnings. I don’t like change, so it’s hard for me to see the silver lining most of the time, but with graduation, there’s a sense of relief that excites me for the future. And although I’m not sure what exactly I want to do for the rest of my life, I do know that I want to keep writing and working in the vicinity of food!
This is all just to say that time is ticking. Thank you for being here!
Congrats on finishing your capstone! 🥳